I am using Netbeans 8.1 IDE (Windows) and I am a complete noob at versioning on the first step of the learning curve, and I have accidentally deleted the GIT folder (was apparently empty) created by Netbeans 8.1 upon Versioning Git initialisation.
Now I see all my files in Netbeans tree-view green-coloured as if versioning is active, however the Git folder in the filesystem is still empty. I suspect Netbeans being fooled somehow so I have closed Netbeans and deleted the cache folder however once restarted, GIT seems to be there, enabled and working.
To ensure GIT is working as expected I'd like to completely reset versioning to it's initial state so I can create again the repo folder and verify it is working as expected but I don't know how to achieve this.
EDIT: I see the .git folder as it was hidden in the filesystem, so I was wrong I did not delete the folder! However to ensure everything is working as expected how can I reinitialise this?
However to ensure everything is working as expected how can I reinitialise this?
Deleting (or at least moving) that .git folder would be a good first step.
Then use Netbeans to re-initialize your repo.
Answered By - VonC