I have custom JFR event. I found that the RecodedEvent.getStartTime() is actually couple of seconds later than the time when this event was really created and committed. Then what time the getStartTime() shows?
In my case I added current time to my event and read it while jfr file parsing. But how can I get it in built-in events, like jdk.ExecutionSample?
There's a field in built-in events getLong("startTime"), but it gives strange numbers, that doesn't look like current time in millis. What is it?
By default JFR uses invariant TSC for taking timestamps (not used by System.currentMillis() or System.nanoTime()).
Invariant TSC allows JFR to have very low ovehead, but on some CPUs or in some scenarios, the clock may drift. You can use the command-line flag:
to get a more accurate clock, but at a higher overhead.
The time you get from event.getLong("startTime") is the raw ticks, typically only useful if you want to compare with some other system that uses the same timing mechanism.
Answered By - Kire Haglin