Can the parameters in a Jenkins declarative pipeline be dynamic?
I want a the choice option values be populated at runtime by a function. The following code does generate a list of options, but they seem to be stale - probably generated on the first time I ran this code. If the list of AMIs changes, the choices remain the same. I want this to run every time I select build with parameters
def findAMIs() {
// Find relevant AMIs based on their name
def sout = new StringBuffer(), serr = new StringBuffer()
def proc = '/usr/bin/aws --region eu-west-1 ec2 describe-images \
' --owners OWNER --filter Name=name,Values=PATTERN \
' --query Images[*].{AMI:Name} --output text'.execute()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
return sout.tokenize()
def AMIs = findAMIs().join('\n')
pipeline {
// a declarative pipeline
agent any
parameters {
choice(name: 'Release',
choices: AMIs)
I ended up using jenkins-job-builder
, with extended choice parameters. It does not support the groovyScript
parameter at the moment, so I modified it,I0c6ac0b49c24b8d3afbc06b003847de2e043c2b8,n,z
EDIT The above link went dead, so here is another link to openstack: But the gist of the matter is I have added a new parameter to jenkins-job-builder called 'groovyScriptFile', which was merged.
what about user input:
def findAMIs() {
return UUID.randomUUID().toString().split('-').join('\n')
def userInput = input(
id: 'userInput', message: 'input parameters', parameters: [
$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition',
name: 'ami',
choices: findAMIs(),
description: 'AMI',
echo ("Selected AMI :: "+userInput)
Answered By - daggett