In my Spring project i created some tests that check the controllers/ http-api. Is there a way to get the json content of response as de-serialized object?
In other project i used rest assured and there methods to acquire results directly as expected objects.
Here is an example:
MvcResult result = rest.perform( get( "/api/byUser" ).param( "userName","test_user" ) )
.andExpect( status().is( HttpStatus.OK.value() ) ).andReturn();
String string = result.getResponse().getContentAsString();
The method returns a specific type as json. how to convert this json back to an object to tests its contents? I know ways with jackson or with rest-assured but is there a way within spring/test/mockmvc
Like getContentAs(Class)
As far as I know MockHttpServletResponse
(Unlike RestTemplate) doesn't have any method which could convert returned json to a particular type
So what you could do is use Jakson ObjectMapper
to convert json string to a particular type
Something like this
String json = rt.getResponse().getContentAsString();
SomeClass someClass = new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, SomeClass.class);
This will give you more control for you to assert different things.
Having said that, MockMvc::perform
returns ResultActions
which has a method andExpect
which takes ResultMatcher
. This has a lot of options to test the resulting json without converting it to an object.
For example
mvc.perform( .....
Answered By - pvpkiran