I am looking for a way to create a copy of a pipeline project in Jenkins. If i select a normal project, i see an option "Copy Project" in the sidebar, but that is not there in pipeline projects. Is it at all possible to copy pipelines?
I do not know of a way to do that in the UI, I am using the Jenkins CLI to do that. I wrote a wrapper for the command line which looks like this:
cd $1
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s $JENKINS_SERVER -auth $JENKINS_CREDENTIALS ${@:2} | dos2unix
since I have subfolders for every Jenkins master I have and those subfolders contain the jenkins_url.txt
and credentials_api.txt
. I then invoke commands like this: ./jenkins_cli <jenkinsxyz> help
To save jobs of one Jenkins Master, I created this script:
# save all job configurations locally
# parameters:
# directory with credentials_api.txt, jenkins_url.txt and jenkins-cli.jar of
# the jenkins server that will be backuped
cd $1
echo "create backup folder.."
mkdir -p backup
echo "save job list.."
. $CLI . list-jobs | unix2dos.exe > jobs.txt
echo "save job configuration.."
LOOPS=$(wc -l < jobs.txt)
for l in $(seq $LOOPS); do
JOBNAME=$(tail -n+$l jobs.txt | head -n1)
. $CLI . get-job "$JOBNAME" > ./backup/$JOBNAME.xml
echo "saved job nr. $l: $JOBNAME"
not the nicest, but it works :) and I am using Git for Windows, thats why I am piping everything to unix2dos.
Answered By - tim