I have the setup below for the connection SQL Server with Java. Am also using javafx. I am very new to developing with Java. Note: I added the sqljdbc driver. I don't want to add main to DBConnection because am using the Connection method in the controller. Is there a way to fix this or how can I add main method without changing the connection method? Am getting error message:
Error Message
Error: Main method not found in class application.ConnectionDB, please define the main method as:
public static void main(String[] args)
or a JavaFX application class must extend javafx.application.Application
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.Button?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.Label?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.TextField?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane?>
<AnchorPane fx:controller="application.MainController" prefHeight="407.0" prefWidth="578.0" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="">
<Label layoutX="123.0" layoutY="65.0" prefHeight="31.0" prefWidth="79.0" text="Date:" />
<Label layoutX="123.0" layoutY="138.0" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="127.0" text="Rim Current Value:" />
<Label layoutX="125.0" layoutY="210.0" text="Rim Sales Value for the Month:" />
<Label layoutX="123.0" layoutY="283.0" text="Rim Sold Cost Bought:" />
<TextField fx:id="txtdate" layoutX="123.0" layoutY="97.0" />
<TextField fx:id="txtcurvalue" layoutX="123.0" layoutY="163.0" />
<TextField fx:id="txtsalesvalue" layoutX="123.0" layoutY="234.0" />
<TextField fx:id="txtsoldcost" layoutX="123.0" layoutY="300.0" />
<Button layoutX="246.0" layoutY="340.0" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#Rmsubmit" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="103.0" text="Submit" />
Connection Class
package application;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class ConnectionDB
public static Connection dbConn() {
Connection conn = null;
try {
String url = "jdbc:sqlserver:[server name];database=SalesManager;user=[username];password=[password];encrypt=true;trustServerCert ificate=false;hostNameInCertificate=*;loginTimeout=30";
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException ex) {
return conn;
package application;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javax.print.DocFlavor.URL;
public class MainController {
public TextField txtdate;
public TextField txtcurvalue;
public TextField txtsalesvalue;
public TextField txtsoldcost;
public Connection conn =null;
public PreparedStatement pat = null;
public void Rmsubmit(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
String sqla = "Insert into RimCalc(Date, Rim_Vale,Rim_Sales,Rim_Cost) Values (?,?,?,?)";
String date = txtdate.getText();
String rim_value = txtcurvalue.getText();
String Rim_Sales = txtsalesvalue.getText();
String rim_cost = txtsoldcost.getText();
try {
pat = conn.prepareStatement(sqla);
pat.setString(1, date);
pat.setString(2, rim_value);
pat.setString(3, Rim_Sales);
pat.setString(4, rim_cost);
int i = pat.executeUpdate();
if(i==1) {
System.out.println("Insert Successfully");
} catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public void initializer(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
conn = application.ConnectionDB.dbConn();
Java programs require a main
method as an entry point in order to run. The standard definition of a main
method is like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
// First code of your program goes here
This main()
method should include the code that starts your application and loads any interface elements for display.
A JavaFX application also needs to have a class that extends Application
and override its start()
Here is a very quick and dirty example of one such class:
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
class Main extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
launch(args); // Starts the JavaFX application and calls the start() method
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
// Here is where you'll initialize your views and such
I would recommend taking a few Java and JavaFX tutorials to get a feel for some of the basics before attempting more complicated tasks like connecting to databases.
Answered By - Zephyr