I am evaluating spring boot + MVC + bootstrap . One problem I am facing is bootstrap's navbar highlighting problem in thymeleaf.
I hope thymeleaf can judge the tab which should be highlighted.
I searched and found this solution : Bootstrap Navbar Highlighting in Thymeleaf
In the containing(outer) page , it uses
<div th:replace="header::header('home')">
to be replaced header
to designate the home
tab should be highlighted.
And in the contained (inner) page , it uses
<nav class="..." th:fragment="header(activeTab)">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li th:class="${activeTab == 'home'} ? 'active' : null "><a href="#" th:href="@{/home}">Home</a></li>
to judge this tab should be highlighted or not.
It works for every single page well , but not for layout.
In a layout page , the containing (outer) page is a decorator , which decorates other pages (home / about / contact ...) . The tab value is pending here .
for example
<div th:replace="header::header('home')">
to be replaced header
<div layout:fragment="content">
<div th:replace="footer::footer">
to be replaced footer
I cannot pre-assign home
tab in the layout file.
Is there any way to solve it ?
Can it judge by controller or even controller's method ?
environment :
springboot.version 1.3.0.M5
spring.version :4.2.1.RELEASE
Thanks a lot !
It is not a exact solution for your question but maybe you will like the idea. You may use request context path to recognize which tab is actually selected, so you can use ${#httpServletRequest.getContextPath()}
and maybe then something like that:
<ul class="nav navbar-nav" th:with="view=${#httpServletRequest.getServletPath()}">
<li th:classappend="${#strings.startsWith(view,'/home')? 'active' : ''}"><a href="#" th:href="@{/home}">Home</a></li>
Or you can use ControllerAdvice:
@ControllerAdvice(assignableTypes = { MyController.class })
public class MyControllerAdvice {
public void addAttributes(@RequestParam Map<String, String> params, Model model, HttpServletRequest request) {
String activeTab = ... whatever
model.addAttribute("active_tab", activeTab);
There is one big disadvantage of using @ControllerAdvice. If you are planning to use Spring WebFlow to create multi-page forms (wizards) then it will not work because WebFlow does not use model attributes.
Answered By - Marek Raki