In Maven, I would like to update the version inside a parent tag with the good practice :
In my context, I want to update the version 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT to 3.0.1 (release) and then 3.0.2-SNAPSHOT (after the release).
I have find a way for updating the version in python.
The script works fine, here is the code :
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import sys
import os
if len(sys.argv) != 4 :
print("Wrong number of params")
# Script param
project_pom_file = str(sys.argv[1])
new_version = str(sys.argv[3])
print 'Pom file : ' + project_pom_file
print 'Old version of project : ', old_version
print 'New version of project : ', new_version
ET.register_namespace('', "")
# Parsing pom.xml
xmlTree = ET.parse(project_pom_file)
root = xmlTree.getroot()
# namespace
ns = {'mvn-apache': ''}
for e in xmlTree.findall("mvn-apache:parent" , ns):
artifactId = e.find('mvn-apache:artifactId' , ns)
version = e.find('mvn-apache:version' , ns)
if artifactId.text == 'my-app-parent' and version.text != old_version :
print "ERROR : Old version not match " + version.text
elif artifactId.text == 'my-app-parent' and version.text == old_version :
print ( ' and artifactId=my-app-parent found')
print 'Updating version ' + old_version + ' to ' + new_version
#Change the version
version.text = new_version
#Write the modified xml file.
xmlTree.write(project_pom_file , xml_declaration = True, encoding = 'UTF-8', method = 'xml')
We can run the script like this : <file> <old_version> <new_version>
The script check if the old version match with the parameter, it's a security I have added.
I don't like the way of parsing and regenerate the XML file, we can lost data like comments. I know there are lot of maven plugin but I haven't find a relevant one. Is there a way to update the parent version with a Maven command line ?
I have tried this :
mvn versions:set -DartifactId=my-app-parent -DoldVersion=3.* -DnewVersion=3.0.1
The command doesn't work fine for the parent tag.
Thanks for your help.
As khmarbaise pointed out you can use update-parent goal so in your example it would be:
mvn versions:update-parent "-DparentVersion=[yourVersion]" -DallowSnapshots=true
Answered By - Piotr Michalczyk